Monday, January 26, 2015

2 days.

So, God works in some pretty dang crazy ways.  Let me tell you a story.

I've been going with my sister to her GC (Gospel Community) while I've been home, which has allowed me to begin to get to know some great people.  This past Monday, we were talking about what we wanted GC to look like.  Honestly, while everyone was talking I was thinking to myself about what was supposed to be coming next in my life and how I could strengthen my relationship with God in the hopes of finding that out.  Dozing off in my own thoughts, I was tapped on the shoulder.

I turned around, kind of embarrassed that I hadn't been involved in the conversation.  Kara looked at me and said, "Do you want to Rwanda with us this summer?"

I immediately say, "Yeah, sure!"

Now if you know me, that is the complete opposite of what I would do.  The opposite.

Kara seemed just as surprised as me when I answered.  She was like, "Really?"  And me, realizing what I just said go, "Yeah.  I think that'd be great."  Or something along those lines.  I think I was talking while trying to process the fact that I just said yes, so probably did a lot of stumbling over my words.  She said, "Well that was easy."  I remember thinking to myself, "What just happened?"

Now, for those of you who know me know that decisions are just about the hardest thing for me in the world.  Ask me what I want to eat, and you better plan on a half hour back and forth talk about how I don't care, or that I like two things equally.  So, the fact that I just said yes to going on a trip to another country I've never been to and don't know much about, is like, a big deal.  I give all the glory to God for the decision to go to Haiti this past summer, because I know that was not me.  That is a whole different God moment story, which you could totally ask me about.

So, that was on Monday.  I came home with the constant question, "What just happened?" running through my head.  All day on Tuesday I found myself on Imana Kids website, researching Rwanda, and on the application page of the trip.  God was working on me and I didn't even know it.  Wednesday, I really felt God telling me it was time to commit.  Why or how?  I have no idea.  I was feeling peace about saying I was going, even though I was beyond nervous.  I decided to message Kara and ask her if she was serious when she asked me to go with her.  Kara, such a grace-filled gal, told me her question was legit.

And thus, I signed up.  Two days.  Two days is all it took for God to rock my next plan of action.

Now, as many of the people who know me know, I still talk about my time in Haiti often.  I've wondered if I'm supposed to go for a longer period of time.  I've wondered if this is God telling me now isn't the time for me to go long-term in Haiti.  If He has bigger plans for me in Rwanda.  What He's preparing my heart for exactly.  If this is just more prep before going to Haiti for a longer period of time.I do know He's given me a huge heart for the orphans of this world through my experience in Haiti; for His beautiful, joyful, loving children.  I have a blog entry about that started, hopefully I'll finish that sometime to share with all of you. :p

For now, I do believe it was God answering Kara when she asked me, not me.  I am so excited to this trip and all God has planned.   I will be in Kigali, Rwanda partnering with Imana Kids, an Orphan-Care Ministry, for two weeks at the end of July.  Most of my time will be spent at Kimisagara Orphanage, spending time showing love to some amazing kids by playing, singing, doing crafts, and playing soccer with them.  Imana Kids guide the children to know they are loved by God, help provide an education, and provide their basic needs.  It's so cool to me that these kids are giving me the opportunity to spend time with them and learn from them.  They are opening their home and hearts.

If you want to learn more about Imana Kids, check it out here!  This organization was started right here in the metro area.  They're actually doing a Gala Dinner on Feb.15th, which you can check out and RSVP on their website (and Facebook)!

I'd like to ask for you all to begin praying for myself, the rest of the team that I will be going with, and the kids down in Kigali we'll be spending time with.  Ask the Holy Spirit to equip us with the capabilities to love and serve beyond what we are able to do on our own.  If you would like to help support me financially, you can do so with the following link right online with the link below!  I'll also be sending out support letters in the near future, so if you'd like one, let me know. Thank you all so much, and for reading this long thing. :p

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