Week #2 is complete! I feel like I was just writing my post last week, time kinda just flies by. It's been a great week full of new experiences. Some things I've done this week:
-I went to the market on Saturday with Terri, Val, and Carrie. It is CRAZY packed and busy, and we went at like 10 in the morning. There were people selling all sorts of produce, cleaning supplies, cooking supplies, etc. I was even called "blanco" by an older lady trying to get my attention. With the help of Terri, I was able to buy my first purchase using gourdes, a pineapple :)
-I was able to wear my hair down for an hour during church, one of my greater accomplishments :) It went up straight afterwards.
-Jenna and I went with the Willis family to celebrate Jadyn's birthday at a pool. It was on top of a hill and had an absolutely gorgeous view of the city below and the ocean. This family is the sweetest, caring, and patient family you will ever meet. I managed to come out of the day with only minor sunburns!
-I attempted a conversation in creole with one of the ladies that does the laundry here. I guessed a lot about what she was saying, and I didn't say very much, but I was happy about it!
-I've learned from a volunteer here that 18-23 year olds' frontal lobes are not fully developed, so common sense may not be fully there! :p
-I put my handprint on the COTP wall, kind of a big deal. :)
-Jadyn and I, one of the girls I am homeschooling, baked for over two hours instead of doing school for her thirteenth birthday, and it was the BEST. We made cookies with oreos in the middle, and brownies with oreos, chocolate chips, and marshmallows in them. We're kind of pros. She's the coolest 13-year-old you'll ever meet.
-We celebrated Jadyn's birthday with a girls' game night that consisted of spoons, KEMP, and signs. I don't think I've laughed as much as I did this night while I've been here. There's such a solid group of women here and they all are awesome.
-Homeschooling with the international kids has been going really well, with both groups of kids. They seem to enjoy it, and I really like it too! It's fun to teach in a more relaxed environment.
-I skyped my sister and nephews! They're pretty cute. When we got off Skype, Caleb told my sister, "I really miss Chelle." They look so big compared to the kids I see here.
I don't feel like I have super deep thoughts while I'm here, which I guess is good and bad. Something that I guess I've been struggling with a bit this week is how God is a God of love, yet these kids here have been orphaned, abandoned, starved, and abused. Some of these kids have already seen or experienced more than most of us ever will, and I struggle with that. If God is a God of love, then why do these kids have to go through this? Yet, I see love multiple times every day while I'm here. I see how the nannies love these kids, taking care of them for hours on end. I see love in the endurance the volunteers have amidst many trials. I see love in the little boy's face when he puts his arms up every time he sees you and you pick him up. I see love in the joy that these kids have. I see love in the laughter when we're playing duck, duck, goose in preschool. I see love in the two-month-old, under seven pound, baby girl I'm holding right now as she sleeps in my arms. Gods loves me, just like He loves all the kids here. Sometimes I think I get blinded by the bad in the world and don't see all the places God is working here.
Another thing that I've thought about this week is forgiveness. God forgives us and shows us grace continually. Sometimes, I just can't grasp my mind around that. How does He do that? I know that for myself, sometimes I can't quite get myself to forgive, and hold grudges, which can turn to resentment. One moment in particular this week was definitely a test of patience/forgiveness. During preschool, I had a little girl in time out, and I was talking to her, her hand slipped out of my grip, and she smacked me across the face and laughed. At the time, I had her apologize, and then gave her a hug and let her continue playing. Afterward, I realized that I was actually really mad about it. This girl has enjoyed pushing my buttons consistently. Forgiveness is hard. I realized, we smack God across the face continually, yet He forgives us. He loves us so much He welcomes us with opening arms right away. I don't really understand it, but He does. So, I went in the next day and tried love her just as I would any kid. It wasn't easy. But, God does it, and it can't be easy for Him either, the way I see it. God is pretty dang awesome.
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